Introducing Mai-Wel’s new Participant Services Focus Group
In a new wave of participant empowerment, Mai-Wel’s new Participant Services Focus Group met for the first time on Monday. The Group is made up of Mai-Wel participant representatives, Mandy Smith, Robert Winfield and Anthony Clout, and staff representatives, Andrew Rigg and James Vrcek, who will meet four times a year to discuss participant feedback about Mai-Wel services and the NDIS.
The Group has been developed to represent the voices of Mai-Wel participants, ensuring the opinions of people using our services are heard, feedback is received and participants are consulted on changes to different areas of the business.
As participant representatives, Mandy, Robert and Anthony can chat with their peers about feedback, questions and concerns that can be discussed at the Focus Group meetings. There are no topics off the table at these meetings; if it’s related to Mai-Wel or the NDIS, the Group will discuss and a report will be tabled for the Mai-Wel Board for consideration.
Managers of Mai-Wel services should utilise the Focus Group when introducing changes which will impact participants, particularly introduction of new facilities and programs. The Focus Group will also discuss changes or introductions to NDIS and Mai-Wel policies and procedures which may impact participants service delivery.
At Monday’s meeting the Group talked about the purpose of the meeting then jumped right into pressing topics. The Group “gave the tree a good shake” said Anthony when reflecting on the topics of conversations, including clarity and communication of information, choice of supports and services, consideration of participants when implementing change and continuity of support staff.
The next Focus Group meeting will be held in June with a representative of Mai-Wel’s Support Coordination invited to join to discuss the NDIS and choice of services for participants.
Mai-Wel participants are encouraged to talk Mandy, Robert, Anthony, Andrew or James if they have a topic or question they would like discussed at the next Focus Group meeting.